Thanks for wanting to support The Giving Lens!

The best way to get involved is to come on a trip! Know that your money will go a long way to impact the NGO, the communities, and the places we visit.

Another way to support us is to follow us on your social networks, and share posts of our that you enjoy! Spreading the word and our name is the number one thing we need at the moment.

The next way to support us is to host a camera drive in your community. Please contact us if you wish to host a fundraiser and we can provide images and a flyer template to use. You will need to cover the cost of shipping the cameras to us as well, so you may want to collect a few cash donations. All cameras must be rechargeable, and use a standard SD card . Please take donations for memory cards at the same time as the cameras!

If you are a camera store and you wish to donate some items, ie a bulk supply of SD cards, please contact us directly! We’d be happy to provide a TGL Supporter Flyer to put in your window, and smaller flyers that you can keep on your counter. We so appreciate all the support!

If you wish to be an ongoing supporter of TGL, which we call a Sponsorship, again please contact us directly. We would love to talk with you about what you have in mind.

Job Opportunities: we currently have no openings at TGL. We are a very, very small staff of dedicated individuals. We take on 1-2 volunteers a year but they must be ready to a long term commitment – even if the monthly hours aren’t much – and bring some unique skills to the table.